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March for Life Japan2019 Movie

March for Life Japan2019 photo



July 15 “Marine Day” will be “Make Birth Day” marching for life!

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カトリック築地教会 午後4時集合 Tsukiji Catholic Church at 4pm


Start marching after short rally

午後3時 ミサ「産まれる前の子どものために」

3pm  “Mass offered for the unborn”


celebrant: Bishop Hiroaki Nakano

▶︎course コース


Tsukiji Church the meeting place for marchers located solemnly along   historic Tsukiji area near by Seiroka Hospital is one of oldest church buildings in Tokyo. Marchers will walk from here to Hibiya Park for about 1 hour or more. The day might be too hot to walk, too rain to walk. Everything must be blessing of God. Please take it easy and walk together with joy. If you have the willingness to defend every human life, you would be better to gather at Tsukiji Church. Let’s share your willingness to defend every human life with brothers and sisters.

①築地教会 TsukijiChurch


One of oldest church in Tokyo built at1874. Tokyo designated it Special Historical Buildings and also Cyuo-ku desitnated it Cultural Properties. The Meeting place will be the square in front of the church. Mass will be of course in the church.

出発 After the church


Marchers guarded by police officers start marching. You will walk the road in front of Tsukiji Church for a while and turn left on the crossing of Tsukudabashi west. Then you will walk till the crossing of Irifunebashi to turn right. The road is called Shin Ohashi-dori. There are so many bridge related names around Nihonbashi.

③日本橋 Nihonbashi


Marchers will be relaxed to walk because there may be few people on the sidewalk of Shin Ohashi-dori. Then you turn right on the crossing of Kayabacho-icchome to Eitai-dori. If the day will be fine summer day, the westering sun must be very powerful.

④東京駅 Tokyo Station

日本橋の交差点を左に曲がって、マーチのメインストリート外堀通りへ。新しくなった東京駅八重洲口の駅舎がすぐに見えてきます。観光バス乗り場周辺は外国の人がたくさん。STOP ABORTION NOW !

Turn left on the crossing of Nihonbashi, marchers will walk on Sotobori-dori, the main street of our march. Soon you can see the new building of Tokyo Station Yaesu gate. And there will be many foreign travellers around the bus stop. Say them “Stop Abortion Now!”

⑤西銀座 Nishi Ginza


Marchers will go on from Tokyo Station to Ginza area. You will see Tokyo International Forum on your right. Newly built buildings near Tokyo St. have changed the landscape while an appearance of Showa era still remains along Nishi Ginza department store.

⑥数寄屋橋 Sukiyabashi


After walking for nearly an hour, marchers will come to the most exciting part of the march, the crossing of Sukiyabashi. You might have been walking peacefully without shouting. But the atmosphere around there will make you want to raise the voice of joy. Please do not hesitate.


 From Ginza 8 to Uchisaiwaicho


Across the crossing of Sukiyabashi, marchers will find end of Ginza area being not so busy. It will be time of the Sun setting. You are going to the goal of the march feeling a little cool breeze. Passing under JR railroad bridge at Ginza 8 to Uchisaiwaicho. The National Diet Building will come in sight.

⑧日比谷公園 Hibiya Park


Marchers will arrive at Nakasaiwaimon gate of Hibiya Park. Have a good walking! Let’s take a short break under the shade of trees, giving respect to Life of each other. Before leaving there, you will be invited to a group photo. Will camera be able to seize all of marchers this year?

▶︎歩くときのルール Rules for March

・笑顔で歩く。March with smiling


Our March will be considered as the best smiling demonstration. Life must always be joyous. Child in the womb must always be happy.

・大声はあげない。March without shouting


Our March will refrain from sprechchor, shout and noisy instruments. We will stand for the voiceless unborn. And also we will march with prayer.  

・持つならセンスのよいボード March with loving message

March organizer will prepare Japanese style message board and distribute   them for you in Tsukiji Church. Of course your loving handmade board are welcome. 


Prayer for not born children




主イエス・キリストのみ名によって。 アーメン

God the Father, source of Life, by your love and affection, remember the children who were not born, lead them to Eternal life as they could not know the warmth of a mother,

I beg you to bring them in your light and filled them with your love.

Our Lady of Perpetual help, make them on joy also the kindness of a mother. And I pray that you intercede for them children who were not born.

By the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen




I hope from the bottom of my heart that human life which is a gift from God will be protected from the beginning to the end without any exception.  And I hope your trial of March for Life Japan will continue for a long time so that Church will get engaged in accordance with your effort.



Isao Kikuchi, Archbishop of Tokyo

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